“Those who do not know wisdom, cannot recognize it.”

“Es ist viel schwerer, über sich selbst zu richten, als über andere zu urteilen. Wenn du es schaffst, selbst über dich gerecht zu werden, dann bist du ein wahrer Weiser.”

“Water will never quench your thirst for knowledge.”

“Reasoning is that voice of wisdom that speaks to you right before you speak. But it’s so low, that you would have to listen inwardly to hear it.”

“Many Western readers act offended by the mention of war in the Bible, yet celebrate the stratagem of war taught by Sun Tzu as though it is the original book on leadership and success. The Bible, of course, was written over a 1000 years before Sun Tzu was born.”


“I want to examine how I have constructed the world and unearth wisdom I haven’t, as yet, found in myself. This stripping-away process was an alchemy for which I was not completely prepared, yet I sought it with dead seriousness. I had to stop seducing myself, despite how good I was at it.”

“Beauty cannot possibly be youth alone:that is like earth stopping at autumn and sayingthat is enough.—I want to see all of you”

“We must never adore ourselves due to the idea in our minds that we are of a certain rank/ have attained a certain position (whether this is social, economic, intellectual, or internal). But we must adore ourselves based upon our ability to connect with other human beings; to assimilate at the level of other people, no matter what level they are at.”

“The Universe is continuously emerging as a fresh creation at every moment. All point to this same, extraordinary insight. The Universe is not static, nor is its continuation assured. Instead, the Universe is like a cosmic hologram that is being continuously upheld and renewed at every instant.14 A universal encouragement found across the world’s wisdom traditions is to live in the ‘NOW.’ This core insight has a clear basis in physics: The present moment is the place of direct connection with the entire Universe as it arises continuously. Each moment is a fresh formation of the Universe, emerging seamlessly and flawlessly.”

“If You… say the same things as everyone else… share the same links as everyone else…post the same quotes as everyone else… and put up the same pictures as everyone else…Why should anyone think you are any different than everyone else?You have your own creativity. You have your own story.Stop trying to tell another person’s story and start engaging people with yours.”

“I hold visions to be wisdom, and would deny them only to ambition, which exists only by the destruction of visions of everybody else”

“Utajiri wa nje huwa unaanzia ndani, nao ni hekima.”

“In every generation, there are those who refuse to lower themselves, who refuse to compromise their character when tempted, who do the right thing no matter what. There are also those who do not care enough to stand against temptation. It is not because they can’t, but they don’t. And then there are the one who actively choose to be malicious, to hurt people for their own gain or just out of spite; these are the evil ones.”

“The truth is like sunlight. People used to think it’s good for you”