“People generally deal with situations by means of assumptions.”

“While wealth will be a capricious shadow to our lives, true riches lie in strength of character; that is infinitely harder to accumulate. It is the only gold that enhances our potential in terms of what we can offer the world.”

“Apply yourself boldly to the path few dare to walk and your strength will only grow.”

“We learn from the pages of history who we are and who we have been. We learn from our greatness and our darkness. We cannot predict the future, but studying where we’ve been helps us better understand where we are.”

“If by growing up you mean allowing the adult within me to abandon the child within me, I have no interest in such a horrid proposition. If instead you mean to let each enhance the other at the exclusion of neither, I have every interest.”

“I think sometimes some people would rather have a bad answer about things than no answer at all.”

“The illusion of ‘I’ is that you think you are ‘I’ while you are only ‘am’; and that ‘am’ is the first person singular of the verb ‘to be’. Since, for ‘to be’ you don’t need to say ‘I’, but for to say ‘I’ you need ‘to be’, thus you are prior to ‘I’ as ‘am’, and that ‘am’ is ‘to be’; therefore, to that note, on the ocean of ‘am’ alone, ‘I’ is only a wave.”

“Stop accepting invitations to dine at tables where the condition for being seated is that your dignity be left behind. You know that you deserve better!”

“Have you had enough of subjugating your needs and desires to the needs and desires of others? Are you ready to own your power unapologetically? Are you up for the challenge of starring in your own life? Yes? Wonderful!”

“Sometimes we get caught dreaming dreams that were never designed to bring us peaceful rest. In fact, these dreams weren’t designed for us at all. When this happens, it’s imperative that we muster the courage to dream a new dream.”

“Wise women don’t turn away from the uncomfortable and uneven places that leave us searching for steady ground. We do not give in to despair. Or hatred. Or indifference. Wise women go within to access the wisdom and courage needed to transform the conditions around us.”

“Just because an eloquent, articulate and well-spoken person is sharing something, does not make what they are saying, true. Just because someone can relay information with an engaging, exciting or enticing delivery, does not mean what is being said is fact. Deciding what is true based on only emotion and not connecting with logic, looking up facts and researching for the proof behind it, can be very dangerous. Back it up before you buy into it. ”

“All the things you want and need in life are through the door marked ‘Wisdom’.”

“Adhering too blindly and unyieldingly to a particular party is detrimental to the wellfare of humanity. We should be discerning, watching for candidates who have a career of demonstrable justice, wisdom, compassion and goodness. Otherwise you become recordings of a party line incapable of standing up to an associated group should they legitimately be screwing up. It just becomes about BEING right instead of doing right.”

“The great works of culture have it in their power to clear mental confusion, they give us words for things we had felt but had not previously grasped; they replace cliché with insight.”