“This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune (often the surfeits of our own behavior) we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars, as if we were villains on necessity.”

“Sometimes people have no idea what drives you & the unlimited gears you’ve developed inside you, so they try to teach you how to steer.”

“The division between the known and the unknown is not complete. The East has a threefold division—known, unknown, unknowable. It agrees with the West that the unknown can become known, but the unknowable will always remain unknowable. There will always be mystery around human consciousness. There will be always mystery around love, friendship, meditation, consciousness. We may be able to know all that is objective. But the subjectivity, the innermost core of human consciousness, will remain always a mystery. And this has been the persistent effort of the East, to make it clear to the whole world that the unknowable should not be denied; otherwise you will take all juice out of human life. You will create robots out of human beings, you will destroy them, and they will be just machines and nothing more.”

“To despair over something that has not yet come to pass is to accept that it will.”

“Wisdom that is not pass along to others, is no wisdom at all.”

“The worst part is not the dying, it’s not knowing when or how.”

“How do you choose a successor? Look at her or his track record. A good successor would have a track record of successes – great grades, great schools, great successes at work and steady climb up the ladder. Throughout her or his career, there has been challenges which were overcame. It builds character, fortitude, and strength. – STRONG by Kailin Gow”

“هل فعلا نحن حساسون كما يقولون أم نحن نحس وهم مجرد فاقدوا احساس”

“V has finally learned that sitting calm within herself and waiting is often the best choice. And even when it’s not, those around you become uncomfortable because they think you are wise.”

“Sometimes we have to surrender to something if we’re eventually going to have victory over it.”

“I can rush off a cliff or I can build a bridge across it. And if you look around, we seem to be awfully light on bridges these days because we’re incredibly limited on patience.”

“What if we are all temples for the presents and presence of divine delight to shine through?”

“You are special and you will always remain.You are amazingly made.You are the first drop found on the dry ground.Where a rainbow appears after a heavy rain”

“People make their own realities. they paint the truth as they want it to be, regardless of fact. for those who want to believe, no proof is ever required. for those who refuse to believe, no proof is ever enough”

“My boundaries are not determined by natural limitation but by parameters of my faith that I chose to attach to the realities of my limitlessness.”