“A wolf searches the path for prey that has paused. Keep moving.”

“What do you want to be when you grow up,” asked the goat her ambitious lamb.” A wolf,” answered the lamb.”

“Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.”

“WEST SALEM ~ October 2011A sudden vision, fraught with malevolence and darkness, obscured her sight. The face of a menacing figure turned from the shadows of his grisly handiwork and stared at Sorcha.Her muscles tensed. By the Goddess, could he see her?Please! No!She wanted to scream, to run, but the vision ensnared her into the horrific moment like a fly in a spider’s web.”

“Wolf’s wool is the best wool, but it cannot be sheared, because the wolf will not comply. With knowledge as with wolves’ surliness, the student studies voluntarily, refusing to be less than individual. He “gives his opinion and then rests upon it”; he renders service when there is no reward, and is too reclusive for some things to seem to touch him; not because he has no feeling but because he has so much.”

“She was a wolf. She was death, devourer of the worlds.”

“If it’s true what is said, that only the wise discover the wise, then it must also be true that the lone wolf symbolizes either the biggest fool on the planet or the biggest Einstein on the planet.”

“Civilization is only possible for deeply unpleasant animals. It is only an ape that can be truly civilized.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? A wolf’s head on a stick. Big wolf barbecue tonight? Bring your own wolf?”

“In the end, it is our defiance that redeems us. If wolves had a religion – if there was a religion of the wolf – that it is what it would tell us.”

“We met less than a week ago and in that time I’ve done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance…all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I’m able.”

“But you’re the only one, Scarlet. You’ll always be the only one.”

“It’s all right,” said Wolf. “You loved her. I would feel the same if someone wanted to erase Scarlet’s identity and give it to Levana’s army.Scarlet stiffened, heat rushing into her cheeks. He certainly wasn’t insinuating . . .”Aaaaw,” squealed Iko. “Did Wolf just say that he loves Scarlet? That’s so cute!”Scarlet cringed. “He did not–that wasn’t–” She balled her fists against her sides. “Can we get back to these soldiers that are being rounded up, please?””Is she blushing? She sounds like she’s blushing.””She’s blushing,” Thorne confirmed, shuffling the cards. “Actually, Wolf is also looking a little flustered–”

“I knew they would kill me when they found out, but…” He struggled for words, releasing a sharp breath. “I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you.”