“Her hands crept around his neck, tangling in his hair to keep him closer, even though she knew that beautiful boys with expiration dates couldn’t be held, only borrowed for a time.”

“pencils racing across paper, a sound I like.” Marisol”

“No wonder I want to be Robert Mitchum: big, strong, super-cool, with those Freon eyes of his. That’s who I was pretending to be a minute ago – Robert Mitchum in Out of the Past. – Ben”

“So much of what people believe makes no sense, Wylie.”

“He presses his mouth to mine. I nearly pass out from the surge of passion that washes through me. “What I’m telling you is…” he tightens his grip around my arms. “You belong to me,” he whispers.” FUNNY, ADDICTIVE DRAMA “Dancing on My Own.”

“Fran,” dad says lifting his eyes from the map as he nonchalantly drops the A-bomb on me. “It’s extra-terrestrial.” “Wait… what?” I can’t believe what I just heard. “You mean aliens, right?” My breath seizes. “From another world?”FUNNY, ADDICTIVE DRAMA ”

“Fran,” dad says lifting his eyes from the map as he nonchalantly drops the A-bomb on me. “It’s extra-terrestrial.” “Wait… what?” I can’t believe what I just heard. “You mean aliens, right?” My breath seizes. “From another world?”FUNNY, ADDICTIVE DRAMA “Dancing on My Own.”

“My heart is pounding so crazy fast, I can barely breathe. I feel faint.And Just as I think he’s going for my lips. I brace myself for a hot, wet, romantickiss. He leans in and presses his lips to my forehead. “Ready to go?” he asks.”

“My heart is pounding so crazy fast, I can barely breathe. I feel faint.And Just as I think he’s going for my lips. I brace myself for a hot, wet, romantickiss. He leans in and presses his lips to my forehead. “Ready to go?” he asks.” FUNNY, ADDICTIVE DRAMA “Dancing on My Own.”

“I love you and we don’t need the other world to keep that.” He glanced at the small window in the door to see if the guard was watching, then leaned over quickly and pressed their foreheads together.“It’s just true,” he said. “It always has been. In this world and the next. They could take everything away and leave us with nothing, and I would still love you.”

“Wherever these boys are finding their denim, I want a lifetime membership to their mailing catalog.”

“Once upon a time there was a silence that dreamed of becoming a song, and then I found you, and now everything is music.”

“Kevin looks at me and I know he isn’t seeing the little girl I use to be, all pigtails and gangly limbs. He isn’t seeing my mother’s daughter or even my mother anymore. As his eyes linger over me, stopping here and there in the most uncomfortable places, I know he isn’t really even seeing me as I am. The bloodshot eyes staring out of the alcohol-flushed face are seeing a girl, nearly of age, who owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude.–Rocky Evans”

“My life is hard. No one would rob me of that. The clothes I am wearing came out of a knotted up black plastic trash bag from a resale shop downtown. And not the downtown where shiny cars wink at you in the sunlight. If a car winks at you in this area it’s being driven by a person you would be best to avoid. My side of downtown is crumbling and skirted by chain link fences.–Rocky Evans”

“I didn’t want to go to hell, but even the idea of reclaining my halo scared me because it would mean leaving Aly.”