Quotes By Author: Clementine von Radics
“The day I bought my cane, I realizedI was through with the burden of feet. Instead,I am going to become a mermaid. I have always liked the ocean, the promise of depth. I am tired of this dry world,all of this dust and sickness, these barren fields.I want to dive without drowning. I want to kiss sharks.I want men to carve me into the bows of their ships like a prayer, before I lure them into the depths with my fishnet mouth. I want the beauty, the gorgeous mutation, the fairytale of half body. All the wisdom of a woman, without the failures of sex. I am plunging. I am not coming up for air.I do not want all this human,my legs move like they resent being legs, my body is wrecked by all this gravity.I cannot face another morning waking upwith no hope of a fairytale. Here on land, I am always drowning. Here on land,I cannot move.”
“But my heart is an old house(the kind my mothergrew up in)hell to heat and cooland faulty in the wiringand though it’s nice to look atI have no businessinviting lovers in.”
“I thought leaving you would be easy, just walking out the door but I keep getting pinned against it with my legs around your waist and it’s like my lips want you like my lungs want air, it’s just what they where born to do so I am sitting at work thinking of you cutting vegetables in my kitchen your hair in my shower drain your fingers on my spine in the morningwhile we listen to Muddy Waters, I knowyou will never be the one I call home but the way you talk about poems like marxists talk of revolution it makes me want to keep trying. I’m still looking for reasons to love you.I’m still looking for proof you love me.”
“I. Those of us born by water are never afraid enough of drowning. Bruises used to trophy my knees from my death-defying tree climb jumps. Growing up, my backyard was a forest of blackberry bushes. I learned early nothing sweet will come to you unthorned. II. At twelve your body becomes a currency. So Jenny and I sat down and cut up all our clothes into nothing. That year I failed math class but knew the exact number of calories in a carrot stick. I learned early being desired goes hand in hand with hunger.III. The last time I tried to scream I felt my father climbing up through my throat and into my mouth.IV. There is a certain kind of girl who reads Lolita at fourteen and finds religion. I painted my eyes black and sucked barroom cherries to red my tongue. There was a boy who promised Judas really did love Jesus. I learned early every kiss and betrayal are up for interpretation.V. I think he must have conferenced with my nightmares on exactly how to hurt me.VI. He never broke my heart. He only turned it into a compass that always points me back to him.”
“My battered heart will always be where the ocean meets the sand, I will break over and overEvery day. That is the best andworst part of me.”
“All this timeI drank you like the cure when maybeyou were the poison.”
“It’s just so strange.You used to love me,and now you’re a strangerwho happens to know allof my secrets.”