“Each arrow you shoot offcarries its own targetinto the decidedlysecrettangle”

“rush of pine scent (once upon a time),the unlicensed convictionthere ought to be another wayof sayingthis.”

“How you die out in me:down to the lastworn-out knot of breathyou’re there, with a splinter of life.”

“Don’t sign your namebetween worlds,surmountthe manifold of meanings,trust the tearstain,learn to live.”

“With wine and being lost, withless and less of both:I rode through the snow, do you read meI rode God far–I rode Godnear, he sang,it wasour last ride overthe hurdled humans.They cowered whenthey heard usoverhead, theywrote, theylied our neighinginto one of theirimage-ridden languages.”