All Quotes By Tag: Meaning
“Form is what transforms the content of a work into its essence. Do you understand? The character of music arises out of its form like steam from water,’ Yury Andreevich said. ‘With solid understanding of the general laws of form, which encompass all that is amenable to formulation, one can, by groping further, perceive the individual, the particular. Then, subtracting the general, one can sense a residue where wonder lurks in its purest, most undiluted form. Herein lies the goal of theory: the more fully one grasps what is available for comprehension, the more intensely the ineffable shines.”
“Now if we only knew what it means to know, we would be conscious.”
“Finding meaning for life is simply coming into significance because you have been able to accomplish and fulfill your purpose.”
“Sometimes what people say is not what they do, so watch them closely, to see if they mean what they say by what they do.”
“My great longing is to learn to make those very incorrectnesses, those deviations, remodellings, changes of reality, so that they may become, yes, untruth if you like – but more true than the literal truth.”
“Don’t waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions”
“At the point where he, today’s Ivan Ilyich, began to emerge, all the pleasures that had seemed so real melted away now before his eyes and turned into something trivial and often disgusting.And the further he was from childhood, the nearer he got to the present day, the more trivial and dubious his pleasures appeared. It started with law school. That had retained a little something that was really good: there was fun, there was friendship, there was hope. But in the last years the good times had become more exceptional. Then, at the beginning of his service with the governor, some good times came again: memories of making love to a woman. Then it became all confused, and the good times were not so many. After that there were fewer still; the further he went the fewer there were.Marriage. . .an accident and such a disappointment, and his wife’s bad breath, and all that sensuality and hypocrisy! And the deadlines of his working life, and those money worries, going on for a year, two years, ten, twenty – always the same old story. And the longer it went on the deadlier it became.’It’s as if I had been going downhill when I thought I was going uphill. That’s how it was. In society’s opinion I was heading uphill, but in equal measure life was slipping away from me…And now it’s all over. Nothing left but to die!”
“The secret to hygge lies in paying attention to the rhythm of our daily lives, the people we choose to spend time with, the things we use and the activities we undertake that give life value and meaning.”
“I’ll rather believe in myself and fail in my originality than succeed as an intellectual copycat. I see such failure as a knockdown and not a knockout. It’s in me to equip my life with meaning and momentum.”
“You’re so quiet and subdued! You worry me. Are you well?”“Quite well. Deflated, perhaps. I have been deserted by my enemies. The affair is over. I am done.”
“In English, consciousness and unconsciousness are part of a vertical plane, so that we wake up ↑ and we fall ↓ asleep and we sink ↓ into a coma. Chinese uses the horizontal line, so that to wake is to cross a border towards consciousness → and to faint is to go back ← . Meanwhile, time itself is vertical so that last year is “the year above” ↑ and next year is “the year below” ↓. The day before yesterday is the day “in front” ↑ and the day after tomorrow is the day “behind” ↓. This means that future generations are not the generations ahead, but the ones behind. Therefore, to look into the future one must turn around…”
“The life can always change for any of us, and the one who was on the bottom once might turn up on the top when you least expect it, and vice versa.”
“We swim against―our own sweet moments― lappingthe hours in expanded pleasuresthat swagger away― our wilting sentience―pretending to be― existent―”
“It strikes me that religion seeks to take natural events and ascribe supernatural causes to them. I, however, seek to take supernatural events and find the natural meanings behind them. Perhaps that is the final dividing line between science and religion. Opposite sides of a card.”
“The world of fundamental religion does not recognize even the slightest variation in meaning should this meaning fall outside its own definition of truth.”