“Adding to my emotional dizziness on Sunday, I spoke with my sister, who kept noting how amazing Michael is, and what a brave and selfless man he is for having helped as he did.”

“Truth evolves incessantly. If it does not, it’s no truth at all.”

“Come out my friend. Come out from the narrow lanes of darkness into the vivacious light of the day.”

“Because it is so unbelievable, the truth often escapes being known.”

“The are two kinds of people in this modern society. First and the majority are those fools who think they are wise, and second are the few wise individuals who know that they are fools.”

“Seals:The Five Cosmic Seals are five occult Level 333, 666, 999, 1330 and 003 operating 400,000 minuet mystical degrees.”

“First Cosmic Seal:(Devic Seal 333) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 40,000 spirits.”

“There are seven occult kingdoms in the universe, which are the kingdoms of Satan and the fallen angels. There are various planes, zones, realms and centers as well as deities, gods and lords. The Five Cosmic Seals (occult levels) are the universal summary of the 400,000 categories of occult initiations, powers and demons (Astrometaphysical Operations). There are male and female, neuter and mermaid spirits (demons or Cosmic Forces).”

“There are occult Esoteric Metaphysics (the secret and most confidential aspect of occult teachings) and Mystical Sciences practiced by mystical adepts, Living Grand Masters. This is the cosmological verdict of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierarchy universal occult recognition. Exoteric is public occult teachings. An Adept uses the Technique of the Master. Hell is called After-Life-Hallucination. There are entities, spirits, demons, demi-gods, Archangels and other names for evil beings. A Guru is a spiritual Master.”

“A terrible plague has either killed mankind or transformed them into demons … and all they want is Compton’s soul.The best place to conceal esoteric information is right in front of us.”

“Fifth Cosmic Seal:(Liber 003 – Seal of Tuzassotama) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is mystically empowered to proclaim himself as “God, Lord, Universal Master or God-Incarnate” on earth and he controls all spirits of the occult kingdoms.”

“Fourth Cosmic Seal:(Terrestrial Seal 1330 – Seal of Ba-Vara) One who has received this Cosmic Seal (Living Grand Master of the Order of Astral and Terrestrial Hierachy) is empowered to control not less than 100,000,000 spirits and 33,000,000 demi-gods.”