“If we are to rise as real Sapiens, we must work towards spreading education among the masses.”

“The most tragic and deviant behaviour of all is that we live our lives like we will never die, and nonetheless we never live at all.”

“Now the common human perception about the purpose of academic institutions, is that, they are meant to put a stamp of approval on the students, so that later on the students can show off their stamp in order to make a living. The parents invest money to get the stamp, and the child uses that stamp to make more money. Where is the element of education in this whole process!”

“All knowledge is born in the mind, and circumstances make them manifest.”

“People will always tell you what they think you should or should not do. But your life is only between you and God. If you have doubts whether what you’re doing is right or wrong, before you make any decision, look up and ask God. You will always know the answer.”

“Psychologically speaking, far from being worthless, a system is indeed necessary, for any kind of human endeavor. A structure aids in the mind’s endeavor of learning. But the moment the mind becomes dependent on the system and starts trusting the system more than the internal faculties of the mind, the very element of education fades away from the system.”

“The only service to be done for our downtrodden sisters and brother, is to give them education to develop their individuality. We must give them ideas, alongside cultivating their living conditions.”

“After all, what is education, if not the unparalleled means to transcend the self- imposed physical limits of the mind and the body.”

“Sometimes in life, you have to take difficult steps and make tough decisions, in order to achieve something extraordinary.”

“It’s always your assumptions about you, about others, about future that make reality worse than it actually is.”

“In moments of great change we suffer, somehow hoping deep down that our emotions and our dramas can change the future or prevent it from happening. Future happens regardless.”

“You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.”

“In the pursuit of dreams, we all have different beginnings. Your past is not negotiable. You must let go of the hope for a better past.”

“There is only one ideal in the world, which is, the light of knowledge – the light of truth.”

“و عندما إعتزلت العالم؛ وجدت نفسك، وجدت الحقيقة الغائبة، تصالحت مع خطاياك الكثيرة، و استمتعت بإخفاقاتك العديدة، تخلصت من أجنحة الملاك الكاذب، و مسحت عن وجهك المساحيق، واجهت صورتك أمام المرآة، و حجمك المجرد من تراهاتك الساذجة، إستعدلت حلتك المتواضعة، و خرجت بين الناس في سكون، قطرة يحملها سيل عرم، تتحرك بلا مقاومة و لا تفكير، لا تتسابق و لا تتجاوز الآخرين، فقط تقوم بما يجب أن تقوم به، و تستقر في النهاية في وعائها المقدر، و للعجب؛ لم تكن الرحلة مختلفة، فما إستطاع تمردها في السابق أن يغير المسار، و لم يستطع عصيانها أن يختار الوعاء، كانت و مازالت تتحرك و تستقر حيثما قدر لها، كانت واهمة؛ غالبتها الظنون حتى نسيت ما هي ؟ و عندما أدركت تحققت: قطرة و لها دور مهم؛ و لكنه محدد.”