“Understand the game properly before you gear up to break the rules”

“You’ve climbed too many mountains and crossed too many rivers to stop and turn back now.”

“We seek excellence before we seek understanding, wisdom before we gain knowledge, success before we understand hardwork; for this reason we need great teachers and leaders.”

“…blissfulness is the summit of contentment…”

“Not every good idea is God’s perfect will for you; it may need discerning, wisdom and experience to tell the difference.”

“Your passion is your connection to God.”

“We are products of their wisdom or lack of wisdom.”

“Divine providence for next dimension is a natural as rest, food and water are to our natural bodies. Rest, Arise and Eat for the challenges ahead of you are too great for you.”

“Love has no color, love has no language and love has no religion.”

“…Unsettling emotions are capable of messing up the most beautiful minds in this world.”

“The basis of love that most people share is the intimacy they developed with their partners, the intensity of their attraction, or the similarity of their thought patterns.”

“The masses often let themselves down and even those at the forefront who are hoisting the flag of the cause that is intended to alleviate their miseries. However, they do not do so out of wickedness or malice. Often times, they betray their interests out of incomprehension, docility and resignation to the status quo. In a subtle way, the masses often end up collaborating with those oppressing them.”

“Evil is something you need to fight until it ceases trying to control you.”

“…the depth or humaneness of our love depends on the wideness of our souls.”

“A grandmother’s love is selfless all the way to the bones.”