All Quotes By Tag: Wisdom
“Tokyo is bigger than Kumamoto. And Japan is bigger than Tokyo. And even bigger than Japan… Even bigger than Japan is the inside of your head. Don’t ever surrender yourself not to Japan, not to anything. You may think that what you’re doing is for the sake of the nation, but let something take possession of you like that, and all you do is bring it down.”
“Never spit in a lion’s face when you’ve got your hand in his mouth.”
“Adding to my emotional dizziness on Sunday, I spoke with my sister, who kept noting how amazing Michael is, and what a brave and selfless man he is for having helped as he did.”
“Make friends on your way up since you might need them on your way down.”
“When you are wise, peace shall follow.”
“Dresses won’t worn out in the wardrobe, but that is not what dresses are designed for.”
“Dresses don’t look beautiful on hangers.”
“A poor, who hates power, once become powerful, hates poor.”
“If your prudence stops you every time from taking an action, then you are no more prudent, you are frightened.”
“Texting is not talking and a phone is not a friend.”
“stop blaming God for your decisions”
“The purpose of a profession is to fulfil the personal wishes of a prospect.”
“One who knows what he or she knows as well as what he or she does not know is a genius.”
“Wisdom begins in knowing the self.”
“A professional who doesn’t deliver as committed is not just lazy, he is a liar.”