All Quotes By Tag: Romance
“Life would be much comfortable if we get what we wish.”
“He was footprints in the snow.Not all loves are meant to last.Some are meant to grace you briefly,before fading,somehow leaving the impressionthat the world is just a little bit betterbecause you had been touched bysomething so beautiful it was impossibleto grasp.”
“I think what we want is within us from the beginning. I think fear can distract us from knowing the truth of who we are and what we want.”
“…Unsettling emotions are capable of messing up the most beautiful minds in this world.”
“The basis of love that most people share is the intimacy they developed with their partners, the intensity of their attraction, or the similarity of their thought patterns.”
“The masses often let themselves down and even those at the forefront who are hoisting the flag of the cause that is intended to alleviate their miseries. However, they do not do so out of wickedness or malice. Often times, they betray their interests out of incomprehension, docility and resignation to the status quo. In a subtle way, the masses often end up collaborating with those oppressing them.”
“…the depth or humaneness of our love depends on the wideness of our souls.”
“A grandmother’s love is selfless all the way to the bones.”
“A good relationship with our children is the ultimate comfort we have while dying.”
“A man has a hard time feeling fulfilled when he lives a life that does not serve a purpose that is more than himself.”
“You can get married in an hour, but it typically takes a year to get divorced.”
“His reality was turned into dust the day it collided with her universe. For the first time, he wanted to get lost forever in a place that felt like a fairy tale where only she and he existed. And he never wanted to find his way back to reality anymore.”
“She was his favorite sin. She was not a habit for him anymore, she was an obsession.”
“I find that romance is for readers. I want adventures; they are for the living.”
“A true romance is not something that happens between the skins. It is something that burns our souls beautifully and leaves us craving to be destroyed even more.”