“…I started to realize how many great things could happen by confronting the things that scare you most.”

“Fear’s useless. Either something bad happens or it doesn’t: If it doesn’t, you’ve wasted time being afraid, and if it does, you’ve wasted time that you could have spent sharpening your weapons.”

“Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival.”

“Fear kills dreams more than failure”

“And the only thing I knew how to do was to hold on as tightly as possible and count every single second until I reached the last one. The one I dreaded most.Sudden, violent, final.The end.”

“We feel stuck in a rut, unable to say ‘no’ to our parents, unable to put an end to their controlling behavior, unable to grab hold of our own lives, simply because we fear that we will hurt, insult, disrespect or disappoint our parents (entire families).”

“If we fear failure, how then will we handle success?”

“There is simply no problem of life; it is absolutely purposeless play; it doesn’t have to continue; there is no reason whatever to explain it, for explanations are just another form of complexity, a new manifestation of life on top of life, gestures gesturing. If there is any problem at all it is to find out how people come to think there is a problem, whatever made them imagine that life is serious. Basically there is the gesture. Time, space, multiplicity are all complications of it. Pain and suffering are very far-out forms of play, and there just isn’t anything at all to be afraid of. There isn’t any ego. The ego is a kind of flip, knowing that you know — like being afraid of being afraid. It’s a curlicue, an extra jazz to things, a sort of double take or reverberation, a dithering of consciousness which is the same as anxiety.”

“There are those times when you need to push negative people aside, give fear a swift kick in the ass and fire up your dreams.”

“The greatest fear, I sometimes think, is that we are trapped: in bodies, in rooms, in time. Or the greatest fear is that we are not – that we can spill wide open. If one is, as Kafka says, dead in one’s own lifetime, the heart thuds a traitorous song: alive, alive.”

“Most people accept living unhappy lives because it is the only way they know, they refuse to be open to the new emerging possibilities and refuse to make positive changes. Because they are afraid of being outside their own comfort zone and don’t risk anything, they live lives that are far less fulfilling than they could actually have.”

“Issues or fears of confrontation tend to showcase unhealthy and unprofessional communication. If you are trusting someone to tell you all the good, bad and ugly, but they only give you the good out of their fears and confrontational issues… the bad and the ugly can grow worse and worse quickly.”

“Live beyond your fear. This is your life, the good, the bad, all yours. The change you want is beyond your comfort zone. If change was within your comfort zone, you would be wherever you want to be, but it isn’t. The best in life is past our comfort, into our fear and beyond it.”

“Here we all are, so afraid of failure that we don’t even attempt to succeed. We feel so lost, by ourselves. Fear fuels our stagnation. Fear should be fueling our success or nothing at all. Everyone feels fear; we should be learning to use our fear to our advantage rather than attempting to ignore it. I am afraid but that doesn’t stop me. Does fear stop you?”

“Instead of worry, you believe Instead of fear, be sure you can Instead of run away ,take the action And All powers of Universe Will create for you,what you want”