“We were a galaxy exploding into a million pieces, creating a whole new world, as we crashed against each other on the soft surface of his mattress, a cloud in the darkness, our bodies finally falling together like rain.”

“My eyes burn with tears, and I’m so tired. So tired of holding back everything I feel and want to say. So tired of being someone I’m not and making mistakes that I didn’t have any fun making.”

“Misha, my best friend who got me into bed and fucked me with a lie.”

“Fuck me,” I whispered, giving him permission, taking him into my flesh, a soft invitation to madness.”

“Does he tell you that you’re allhe thinks about? Does he tell you that he lives for you?That he breathes for you? That he dreams of you everydamn moment, awake and asleep? Does he tell you anyof that?’ He pauses to look at me and I try to keep a blankface. ‘No, I didn’t think so,’ he says quietly.”

“I’m going to hell. I’m pretty sure she’d going to drag me there herself.”

“She can be a nightmare, but this still feels better than any dream.”