All Quotes By Tag: Sex
“Dresses won’t worn out in the wardrobe, but that is not what dresses are designed for.”
“Dresses don’t look beautiful on hangers.”
“Fashion doesn’t make you perfect, but it makes you pretty.”
“It’s time to shop high heels if your fiance kisses you on the forehead.”
“The spirit of Christ dwells in a holy body.”
“Brightness of day always end with the darkness of Night”
“If you don’t eat pussy, keep walking.”
“We’re part of a culture where everything is measured by money, fame and sex. It’s a religion.”
“The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment.”
“When the male organ of a man stands erect, two thirds of his intelect go away. And one third of his religion.”
“If one does not make an ego out of gender, one would still know whether one is a man or a woman, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender—whatever else we may think of. But those identities need to fit very loosely and be worn very lightly. All sense of privilege or deprivation that has developed around one’s gender identity, all rigidity regarding proper roles and behaviors for the various genders, must be cut through.”
“derelict. my voice cracked and yolk poured out. wind chimes rigid, no breeze, no song. my wings found hidden in your suitcase. pleas for help mistaken for a swan song. i’m stuffing pages from my journal down my throat as kindling. hoping the smoke will get the taste of you out of my mouth. he looks at me from across the room and all i want is to push him against the wall. ravage. ravage. carnage has never been more vogue. is it still art if it doesn’t bring you to your knees? lover, let me prey at your altar. let me bare my fangs in praise. don’t i look so pretty in a funeral shroud? i keep time with the click of my creaking bones. dance with me under the milky translucence of a world suffocating. how did you find me? i buried myself beneath the cicadas. is a girl trapped in glass still a prize?let me get under your skin. i want to know what your fears taste like. i want to consume.”
“I do not believe that to be religious in the best, authentic sense a man has to destroy his love life and mummify himself, body and soul.”
“Religio”, as we know, harks back to a word (re-ligio) meaning “bond” and that is precisely what the anarch rejects. He does not go in for Moses with the Ten Commandments or, indeed, for any prophets. Nor does he wish to hear anything concerning gods or rumors about them, except as a historian – or unless they appear to him. That is when the conflicts begin.So, if I state, “in order to pray,” I am following an innate instinct that is no weaker than the sexual drive – in fact, even stronger. The two are alike insofar as foul things can happen when they are suppressed.”