All Quotes By Tag: Comedy
“Any girl with a grin never looks grim.”
“Take care of your costume and your confidence will take care of itself.”
“With right fashion, every female would be a flame.”
“Dresses won’t worn out in the wardrobe, but that is not what dresses are designed for.”
“Dresses don’t look beautiful on hangers.”
“Fashion doesn’t make you perfect, but it makes you pretty.”
“Hands can cook, hands can create, hands can kill. There is no better tool than our hands.”
“It’s time to shop high heels if your fiance kisses you on the forehead.”
“Can you fail and still be strong, Can you not fit in and accept yourself, Can you lose everything and still keep searching, Can you be in the dark and still believe in the light.”
“Satire is tragedy plus time. You give it enough time, the public, the reviewers will allow you to satirize it. Which is rather ridiculous, when you think about it.”
“A Christian telling an atheist they’re going to hell is as scary as a child telling an adult they’re not getting any presents from Santa.”
“When my wife is not running the house, my kids are.” #nobreaksforme”
“You’re brave.” Lorna said. “I’m not,” I assured her, trying not to bristle. I hate being called brave. It’s almost as bad as inspiring.”
“People who are not blessed with the ability to make others laugh compensate for that by saying (or trying to say) things that are profound.”