All Quotes By Tag: Quotes-about-life
“Have the courage to take off your mask and be humbled.”
“Be humble: have the courage to speak the truth.”
“During challenging times, we tend to take the easy way out. Our life’s course will be shaped based on these crucial moments. Amidst the chaos and confusion you may encounter in life. Always keep your inner-self calm. Helps navigate life better.”
“They might make you feel that you are useless or incomplete. Don’t let it affect you. Keep calm and let your future prove them your worth.”
“I think what we want is within us from the beginning. I think fear can distract us from knowing the truth of who we are and what we want.”
“Love makes life worth living.”
“Bad choices make good stories.”
“Anak-anak muda jaman sekarang itu lucu dan agak susah dimengerti. Mereka cukup bersemangat membuat berbagai macam proposal untuk kegiatan organisasi yang mereka ikuti. Tapi proposal hidup yang berisi visi dan strateginya meraih mimpi, justru lupa mereka buat sendiri.”
“Nilai akhir dari proses pendidikan, sejatinya terrekapitulasi dari keberhasilannya menciptakan perubahan pada dirinya dan lingkungan. Itulah fungsi daripada pendidikan yang sesungguhnya.”
“When my wife is not running the house, my kids are.” #nobreaksforme”
“Your personal writing can heal, grow, and transform your life. Give your words permission to change you.”
“Once you know what you want in life…Like a magnet you attract the resources necessary to manifest the world you desire.”
“Tis not what you crave that feeds your soul…Tis my sunshine right after the rainWhen my ravishing rays unfold.”
“Dont wait for anything that will not wait for you.”
“You can have practically anything you want in this world, if you have great credit.”