All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons-quotes
“When in a frying pan, thank your stars. You will reminisce about it moments later, when you fall in the fire.”
“Life will teach or beat you all you need to know. My advice; take the compassionate class and peaceful path”
“How to make life peaceful and happy?The answer is simple and easy: Just delete all negative and destructive people from your life always and forever.Neither remorse nor emotional reaction.It’s your turn to take action.Now, soulfully enjoy your life as the way you love.It’s amazingly peaceful and happy life!”
“Life goes on, and people too. You don’t need to serve them to make people love you. We don’t need people in our life, we just use them. How many people in your past life, used you, used your mind, your energy, your time. Did you ever ask yourself about that?! They use us and we use them. Few are those who can’t use you, but usually, it’s very few. My message to the world, to every human being, to every child, woman, girl and a boy, to every religious man, to the atheists and all who are living in this earth: You are better when you focus on yourself, you are beautiful when you make yourself better, you are genius when you start to make the change on yourself, you are strong when you decide to fight alone. You are a human being when you stop thinking as an animal. You are and you’ll still as you are and if you didn’t change what you really are, don’t complain to nature or even to the universe Because the problem is you, you have all the solutions within you.”
“People and dreams look shiny and bright from a distance. But you start noticing rocky patches and dark spots as you get closer, just like a moon. The trick is not to get disappointed, but to embrace it as nothing is perfect in this world.”
“Life shows us a mirror at various stages. It is up to us whether to learn from the reality in the reflection or to sulk at its ugliness”
“Living your life mediocre way is like being satisfied with just a bowl of soup when you have been invited for a 5-course meal. Agree that not everything will be sweet, some of the things might be sour and some even bitter, but you will surely have dessert of satisfaction at the end.”
“The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious.”
“There is no U-turn in life, what is done, is done, what you have missed, you missed. You can’t go back and revisit it”
“They don’t want real you as you are, instead, they want you to be a nut or bolt in the system which will fit into it to make machine working. If you refuse to fit, they will either discard you or reshape you until you fit in the desired space”
“Its like they have a mould. Each and every person must fit into that mould. If you don’t fit into that mould properly, they will go on removing unnecessary part of you to cut out excess part outside mould, or may go on filling the gaps with extra (sometimes unnecessary or useless) material if you are falling short to fill the mould completely, until you fit into that mould perfectly and come out of it just like others (with no excess part, or no incomplete/missing part)”
“When you stop beside a river, you get this message: Flow! And when you flow, you meet the never-seen and the never-lived parts of the life!”
“Every moment in life is like the water drops in flowing river. Though you can touch the water many times, you will never be able to touch the same drops of water twice, as they have already flown way ahead. Similarly, life offers a combination of certain situation, place and people only once. Next time even though you visit the same place; situation and people may change.”
“The more you try the better you get. Life is all about making experience and going forwards, regardless of speed.”
“If you give your best but don’t win it doesn’t mean you failed. It’s just another meaningful life lesson.”