“There are two kinds of success: Good success and bad success! Good success is to be successful without jostling people around or walking over others!”

“The fate of everything we see is hidden in time; only when the time moves, we shall see what fate the things we see have!”

“Everyone needs fun, especially the devout because the devout often limits his life with some irrational boring rules!”

“You can always see a light around the hopeful people and darkness around the hopeless! And what better shield you can have than having a light around you in the dusky times?”

“Without being hope to yourself, you cannot be hope to others!”

“Only through reading various books and gaining a variety of knowledge, our intellect can find a path to develop itself properly!”

“When a happy person is treating others well, this is not too important; but when an unhappy person is treating others very well, this is very important and very valuable!”

“You don’t always need a particular reason to be happy and in such moments of happiness you meet the real happiness!”

“Earth has two suns: One is outside, the Sun and one is within, the Wisdom! Both shine, both guide and both are bold in challenging the darknesses!”

“Wisdom is to see no thing as a strange thing, no clothe as a strange cloth, no person as a strange person, no event as a strange event! Because in wisdom you understand why the things are as they are!”

“To discover the depth, leave the surface and to discover the surface, leave the depth! You shall meet wisdom only when you know both the surface and the depth!”