All Quotes By Tag: Life-quotes-and-sayings
“You can start from the ordinary bizzare to the extraordinary incredible”
“Smash the Goals in your Life! You are the Unstoppable! ”
“When you focus on being the best person you can be, you draw the best possible life, love, and opportunities to you.”
“Think about every good thing in your life right now. Free yourself of worrying. Let go of the anxiety, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
“With the same habit of mind, even if you live thousands of lives, all will be the same! Get a different habit of mind to get a different life!”
“GPS has saved countless relationships because us men do not like to ask for directions. Now if women could only come with relationship GPS we would be one step closer to world peace.”
“In moments when you feel that life is unbearably heavy, surrender yourself to the circumstances for a while! When life hits you hard and makes you fall down, take a rest on the ground for a while! Momentaneous non-resistance will give you time to gather your strength!”
“Is a self help or personal development book ruining your life?”
“Tears never reached you anywhere you had to go.”
“I had an enemy – myself. Getting rid of the ego-self, in came the Self. Now, here, there, everywhere is nothing else. Just One Self.”
“A good life is doing what you love as much as you can and doing what you must as much as you should”
“They say life is a test and this is a ridiculous idea! There is neither examination nor examinant! You encounter problems in life either because you are stupid or your path just crosses with the problems’ path by luck! Nobody is sending you problems to test you! Stay loose and chuck out the irrational idea of ‘test’ at once!”
“You get to take what this world gives you.”
“The holes in my boots and the holes in my jeans make me whole!”
“Force is often used to enforce peace and an A bomb did bring world war 2 to a shuddering halt. The funniest people sometimes commit suicide and good souls often break a zillion hearts. That’s just who were are…sinners and saints in equal measure, our contradictions continually shaping our humanity and if we deny these paradoxes, we deny the existence of the very evolution that got us here.”