All Quotes By Tag: Never-give-up-quotes
“Smash the Goals in your Life! You are the Unstoppable! ”
“Consistency will never fail you. Persevere!”
“As you fight any war, sometimes the result may be defeat. Learn to be heroic even in your defeats.”
“Impossible only means that you haven’t found the solution yet”
“Never give up hope. All things are working for your good. One day, you’ll look back on everything you’ve been through and thank God for it.”
“Problems in life are the practical lessons that life wants us to learn from.”
“Every defeat gives us a new opportunity to try again.”
“Never feel bad for not getting something in life. It just means that you are meant to achieve bigger and better things in life!”
“Never give up.Never give up working on yourself, bringing awareness to your thoughts, your actions, your reactions. Never give up on finding out the source of your fear and how to move through it. Never give up on becoming who you were meant to be”
“No Matter Your Age Or Date – Its Never Too Late! – (G Swiss)”