“You require a certain amount of insanity to make your dreams come true!”

“To live intentionally implies that it is not going to be always convenient but it is what will take you to significance if you do not give up.”

“Trust the timing of your life. Keep focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, be kind, and follow your heart. Doors will open effortlessly, but first you have to be ready to walk through.”

“Get this; without a continuous struggle, your previous struggles will become a waste. Stay on and hold on until the success become evident.”

“As you fight any war, sometimes the result may be defeat. Learn to be heroic even in your defeats.”

“If you persist in doing what everyone feels you can’t do, they’ll soon see your success and ask “how did you do it?”

“you have to have the fight to win to win the fight – (G Swiss)”

“You can cry again or You can try again. Choice is yours.”

“Either you shine in the dark or get lost in the light.”

“Never mind, you know the word must; with that word one does many things.”

“The sky is the limit when the universe is involved.”

“There is no riches like redemption.”

“Never give in or give up, but do grow up!”