All Quotes By Tag: Recovery
“Just because your heart is beating, doesn’t mean you’re alive.”
“A huge part of recovery and life -is slowing down and accepting the unKNOWN. This is how you get to KNOW –yourself.”
“Our past offers us two choices … live IN it or live FROM it.”
“Our past offers us a choice … live IN it or live FROM it.”
“Trust the timing of your life. Keep focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, be kind, and follow your heart. Doors will open effortlessly, but first you have to be ready to walk through.”
“Sometimes the process of growth looks a lot like destruction and pain. But you’ll realize with time that you’re not breaking; you’re healing.”
“You’re not a broken soul. You’re a whole soul who’s just feeling a little lost as you try a new path up the mountain.”
“I think sometimes making yourself vulnerable before you are ready is exactly what can hold you accountable. Do what you fear.”
“You’ve climbed too many mountains and crossed too many rivers to stop and turn back now.”
“So because you are converting it, you are grabbing back your life.”
“If you are sitting in the dark (due to depression) go turn the light on. If you can’t find the light switch, seek the help of someone who can.”
“You are more than a survivor. You have been transformed.”
“May the light be in you forever,May the sun love you and keep you,May the dream make you awaken.For the stars love to shine upon you, And the heavens cry for your loss.May goodness and love flow through you once more,Drink of the light and the love here,Find that we all need you,May your spirit come back across.”
“You become a house where the wind blows straight through, because no one bothers the crack in the window or lock on the door, and you’re the house where people come and go as they please, because you’re simply too unimpressed to care. You let people in who you really shouldn’t let in, and you let them walk around for a while, use your bed and use your books, and await the day when they simply get bored and leave. You’re still not bothered, though you knew they shouldn’t have been let in in the first place, but still you just sit there, apathetic like a beggar in the desert.”
“In spite of the horror, in spite of the tragedy, in spite of the weeks of sleepless nights, I’m finally alive. I’m not pretending. I feel real. I’m not playing charades anymore. I wouldn’t go back to the way I was for anything. I’m really like a different person. I’m where I am, and I’m making the most of it. I know I’m courageous now. I found out I had it in me to face this. — Barbara”