“Addiction is only a hopeless attempt to deal with the pain of living cutoff from who we really are.”

“In spite of the horror, in spite of the tragedy, in spite of the weeks of sleepless nights, I’m finally alive. I’m not pretending. I feel real. I’m not playing charades anymore. I wouldn’t go back to the way I was for anything. I’m really like a different person. I’m where I am, and I’m making the most of it. I know I’m courageous now. I found out I had it in me to face this. — Barbara”

“Bushwhacking through unchartered territory is how you discover who you are and what you’re here for. Getting lost is how you find your way. There is no other way.”

“It’s curtain call for the crew of inner voices that have been running their own rowdy performance all these years.Turn up the house lights. Line them up on the catwalk. Observe their costumes, props and characteristic traits. Let them recite their most infamous lines. Appreciate them. And, applaud them because they really had you fooled! Then, let them know one true voice is back.”

“You are beholdenTo the truthIt is the wayIt is the pathIt is your destinyTo be trueIs to be”

“If you try to examine your life analytically, asking yourself who you are, finally you will realize that there is something you cannot reach. You don’t know what it is, but you feel the presence of something you want to connect with. This is sometimes called the absolute. Buddha and Dogen Zenji say true self. Christians say God.”