“I did not find my way out of the darkness until I admitted I was lost.”

“Time is often wasted by those who do not understand that time is worth more than money, because when lost money can be regained but time cannot.”

“The distance of time’s separation brings us remnants of memories so ancient that most are lost in the mists of illusion…”

“We are the ghost of the choices we didn’t make and shredded skin of the ones we did!”

“I’ve lost you again, Time. I will never win this game of hide and seek.”

“„Timpul pe care îți face plăcere să îl pierzi nu e timp pierdut.”

“Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life.”

“A lost person or article is still what it is, still valuable in itself, but in the wrong place, disconnected from its purpose and unable to be or do whatever it is intended to be or do.”

“Shine your light into the darkness and you’ll find lost treasure.”

“Faith can never be lost.It can only be misplaced.”