“Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.”

“The greatest treasure in life is the possession of time. Tragically, though, it is that same time that is often least treasured or valued by men who still possess it.”

“I wish you could stop wasting your life to fulfill other people’s dreams.”

“At the end of it all, it is our relationship with people that will determine whether they will share in our pain if we fall into dangers.”

“We are products of the lack of understanding of the people who raised us up.”

“Dependency on stuff, on people and on things is one of the greatest things that could kill.”

“When people ask me how come I have written over three hundred books my response to them is take advantage of time.”

“Most of the people in the world are just distracted and work only on the surface but if you will be deep enough to concentrate and study or rehearse anything, the world will bow in honor of you.”

“Our world is filled with people who have only a shallow knowledge of certain skills and have remained like that for so many years without self-improvement”

“Most people have not become better than they were five years ago because people hardly invest time into improving their knowledge, skills, and talents.”

“People do not become world’s richest men by praying but by time conversion into products.”

“The desire of most people on earth is to make money and money seems to be the greatest motivation in life for a lot of people.”

“Our offices are filled with people working their lives out to enrich their boss, government or company.”