“Don’t let someone treat you like shit or you’re just one of many options,’ Know your worth…’Remember!, One of The most powerful thing about time is…it CHANGES..’ everything! that defines you’ ”

“Words are powerful, so use every word wisely to create a better world.”

“…the more things you know, or pretend to know, the more powerful you are. It doesn’t matter if things are true. What counts, remember, is to possess a secret.”

“Never assume that the person you are dealing with is weaker or less important than you are. Some people are slow to take offense, which may make you misjudge the thickness of their skin, and fail to worry about insulting them. But should you offend their honor and their pride, they will overwhelm you with a violence that seems sudden and extreme given their slowness to anger. If you want to turn people down, it is best to do so politely and respectfully, even if you feel their request is impudent or their offer ridiculous.”

“I was a slave, but never a fool. This empire is vast beyond imagining and we have killed only a fraction of the force they will bring against us. They will kill us, all of us, for we are slaves and we cannot be allowed even the barest hope of freedom. Without us, they have no empire.”

“The most powerful power, you can possess is grace of prayer.”

“If there is any period one would desire to be born in, ⎯ is it not the age of Revolution; whenthe old and the new stand side by side, and admit of being compared; when the energies of all men are searched by fear and by hope; when the historic glories of the old, can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era? This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”

“I am filled time and againwith a heart-aching wonder when I thinkof the fireand frost of memoriesof the everlastingnessof lovethe solace of familyand the power of prayer.”

“You only feel powerless because your fear has given your power to the object of your fear. Once you realise this, you can claim it back.”