“Investors are people with more money than time.Employees are people with more time than money.Entrepreneurs are simply the seductive go-betweens.Startups are business experiments performed with other people’s money.Marketing is like sex: only losers pay for it.”“Company culture is what goes without saying.There are no real rules, only laws.Success forgives all sins.People who leak to you, leak about you.Meritocracy is the propaganda we use to bless the charade.Greed and vanity are the twin engines of bourgeois society.Most managers are incompetent and maintain their jobs via inertia and politics.Lawsuits are merely expensive feints in a well-scripted conflict narrative between corporate entities.Capitalism is an amoral farce in which every player—investor, employee, entrepreneur, consumer—is complicit.”

“If the food that one ate the night before were somehow able to be seen and identified through one’s clothes throughout the day, millions of employees would each fast ten or so days before their payday.”

“I really want to say Happy Workers Day, but I choose not to. With this high rate of unemployment and those who are Employed being under paid, undermined , mistreated and not respected. How can then there be Happy Workers with the conditions they face at their work place.”