“When knowledge is put into practice, then through your experience of it, it becomes your insight.”

“The law or any practice that is not for the good of the people must be changed.”

“The whole world will stand still to give you a way to the top if you practice the rule of ten thousand hours. The world gives way to the man who knows where he is going.”

“To truly be better than your past self, you must practice the rule of ten thousand hours and you must invest so much time building yourself up.”

“If you really one to become great, you must practice the rule of ten thousand hours.”

“If you can practice the rule of ten thousand hours, you will be amazed to find out how easy it is to become the best in that your area of calling.”

“Success may require a lot of days. But progress only requires one.”

“A skillful football player is a product of hours of practice”

“You are what you do, so you have to do what you want to be. We are how we spend our time. If you want to be super good at texting and watching Netflix, you should text and watch Netflix all day—’cause you’ll get really good at it. If, in your dreams, you would rather be good at something else, then you should spend your time doing that thing. Don’t wait for it to come to you. You are how you spend your time.”

“The best religion or practice is the one that makes us better. (42)”

“Nothing gets easy. It is just that you understand how it is and how it works. Nothing its difficult its just that you dont understand it and dont know how it works. Understanding something it means taking time to learn it and practising it.”

“Souls rockin’ pieces around necks, wrists and ankles they only believe in part time and some time. Loud and proud with no get-down.”

“We are not born with abilities, this comes from practice, persistence, and perseverance.”