All Quotes By Tag: Excellence
“un de ces hommes qui atteignent un tel degré d’excellence à vingt et un ans, dans un domaine par ailleurs limité, que tout, après cela, ne peut avoir qu’un goût de défaite.”
“I’m speaking of the pursuit of excellence in all things. All things! Presence of mind and devotion to craft. A great artist has these. A great chef. A great master of tea. There’s powerful kung fu in a well-built house or an eloquent letter, but the limit of your imagination is bones breaking and bullets flying.”
“Each daily task, is but the future in a mask.”
“With a well-organized life, you have a higher chance of success and excellence in your area of calling and whatever you find yourself doing.”
“No one is better than you, they only converted their time better”
“All humans have got equal wealth; it’s the way we convert that differs”
“Time is the greatest treasure given to us by God”
“Time is the greatest capital for any business”
“Time is equivalent to life”
“Time wasted is equivalent to a wasted life”
“A minute wasted is part of a life gone”
“Consciously guard your time and you will be guarding your life”
“You can be anything you want to be; it all depends on how you convert your time”
“Having time is being wealthy”
“Time is the greatest commodity”