“Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival.”

“The change the world needs is not in the hand of everyone who is alive. It is in the works of those who deliberately contribute to make it a better place.”

“The universe makes it possible.Your mindset makes it probable.Your behavior makes it reality.”

“Watch out; success will only arrive when your action are strong enough to attract them.”

“Get this; without a continuous struggle, your previous struggles will become a waste. Stay on and hold on until the success become evident.”

“Start before you’re ready.Don’t prepare, begin.”

“Procrastination should not be linked with failure, just as early action should not be tied to success.”

“Success is not about age, it’s about action.”

“Don’t be afraid to wake up your dream… give it a hard nudge, a toss of cold water… make it leap, make it fly. Dreams won’t come to life without action.”

“You don’t build a reputation by saying you are going to do something. If you want to be a successful person, you have to actually work. There is nothing wrong with speaking about future plans if you actually take action to make them work. Be proud of your success thus far and be hopeful for your success in the future.”

“Regret is one the scariest words in any language and success is one of the most beautiful ones. What are you waiting for?”

“Initially, inspiration can come from anywhere but to sustain inspiration one must take actions immediately before it fades away.”

“You have a choice, you can be someone who makes it happen or someone who lets it happen.”