All Quotes By Tag: Fact
“Your inner knowledge of yourself is what matters”
“Being an adult isn’t an excuse to do whatever you want. Being an adult is the duty of having no one else to blame but yourself when you make decisions, bad or good.”
“The most important key to bettering yourself – is just that “yourself” – (g swiss)”
“إن المرأة تكره الرجل الذي يعطيها كل وقته وتكره الرجل الذي لا يعطيها شيئا من وقته”
“Proof’ is the hallmark of religion.”
“Science is not about making predictions or performing experiments. Science is about explaining.”
“There is more to me, than just a pretty face”
“The average adult has had sex innumerable times more than they have formed an opinion of their own.”
“शासनाच्या हाती राक्षसी सत्ता असते. तीच गोष्ट शिकल्या-सुधारल्या मंडळींची. आपल्या वाढत्या सुखसोयी, चोचले पुरविण्यासाठी ते प्रसंगी निसर्गावर, त्यात राहणारा कडेकपारीतील अडाणी जनतेच्या अन्नावर उठतात. आपल्या लुटीला लूट न म्हणता ‘विकास’, ‘प्रगती’ अशी गोंडस नावे देतात. गुन्हेगारीला तत्वज्ञानाचा आधार देतात. सारे एक होतात.”
“While facts do kill ignorance, ignoring facts does not kill them.”
“The family is the cradle of the world’s misinformation.”
“***HERE IS A SMALL FACT*** You are going to die.”
“Let me suffer in peace.”
“I can ill-afford to turn the fickle propensity of my attitude into the rock hard conviction of a fact. For if my attitude is given that much room to run, it will run from the very ‘fact’ that it purports to be.”
“It is innate temperament, acting on a view of the facts necessarily incomplete, that has inspired so many different teachers.”