All Quotes By Tag: Deep
“The more we know, the deeper we will understand our topic, so it will be easier to implement it”
“The world keeps on spinning, repeating itself over and over until something changes, which it doesn’t because we can’t.”
“We need to move beyond time management to life leadership”
“There is no problem with the wider culture that you cannot see in the spades in the Christian Church. The rot is in us, and not simple out there. And Christians are making a great mistake by turning everything into culture wars. It’s a much deeper crisis.”
“Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia”
“Just think about this: haven’t we been going just to and fro? The whole world rather. Years back, it was good to take vitamin supplements and today they are considered hampering body’s natural immune. Sometime back, people were desperate to land up in high paying jobs, today there is a big entrepreneurship fad. Back in years, it was a pride to be settled in the city, now people are giving up all responsibilities to settle at a peaceful country side. What are we all really doing? We are moving from pillar to post, forward and backward on theories. We are all as confused as the next person. And unfortunately, we are all going to leave this world with barely being able to decipher much.”
“Some people who have been working out regularly for months or even years are still out of shape because the number of cheat days they have in a week exceeds six.”
“Some of the people who hate me love some of the sentences that I have written, until they get to the name of the person to whom the sentences are attributed.”
“Most poor people do not really aspire to end poverty; they merely aspire to escape it.”
“Many of the boys and men who are regarded as immature by some females are so deemed merely because they do not want to get married someday … or soon.”
“Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we really need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.”
“If the food that one ate the night before were somehow able to be seen and identified through one’s clothes throughout the day, millions of employees would each fast ten or so days before their payday.”
“Some people masturbate to temporarily replace their partners when they are absent, whereas some people do that to temporarily live in the present.”