“We are the author of our own destruction.”

“Hard life… write more! Life sucks… write more! No matter what don’t stop. Keep to the grind and don’t let up. Somewhere out there is your ramp to success. Forget about the exits or the shortcuts along the way. Stay on the highway and when the ramp comes… take it and go!”

“When the moon is at its best and the sun at its worst, you have a hard time finding where’s the nest and where’s the bird!”

“The writer’s curse is that even in solitude, no matter its duration, he never grows lonely or bored.”

“My life went from “You don’t know My Story” to “Let me tell you my story” to “This is my Story” to “I didn’t chose this story” it’s only right that now that I’ve told my story, that you know that I am grateful for my story.”

“I’m 100% certain of the quality of story I’m writing until I finish the outline and actually begin to write. At this point, I’m 100% certain the story sucks and I will never show it to another living soul. Until I type “THE END.” At this point, I’m 50% certain it sucks, 50% certain it’s brilliant, and 100% certain if I don’t show it to someone I will spontaneously combust.”

“…ending a book with a sequel in such a way that the reader still has faith in the characters and in the writer. That’s finesse.”

“What I’ve learned about writing is that sometimes less is more, while often more is grander. And both are true.”

“The childhood of a spoiled prince could be framed within half a page, a moonlit dash through sleepy villages was one rhythmically emphatic sentence, falling in love could be achieved in a single word – a glance. The pages of a recently finished story seemed to vibrate in her hand with all the life they contained.”

“This was what I came to found. The conquest of loneliness was the missing link that was one day going to make a decent novelist out of me. If you are out here and cannot close off the loves and hates of all that back there in the real world the memories will overtake you and swamp you and wilt your tenacity. Tenacity stamina… close off to everything and everyone but your writing. That s the bloody price. I don t know maybe it’s some kind of ultimate selfishness. Maybe it’s part of the killer instinct. Unless you can stash away and bury thoughts of your greatest love you cannot sustain the kind of concentration that breaks most men trying to write a book over a three or four year period.”

“But writers experience the world and themselves in a unique way. We look for meaning. We see it even when we are not paying attention, which is seldom because, as writers, paying attention is what we do. We are scribes to the ticking of the days, and we have a job to do. We are not at peace unless we are doing it.”

“You are an author, a public figure. You are going to be judged no matter what you write, so live your life in a way that’s pleasing and congruent to your soul”

“Let your words be your voice. And let your voice be heard within the hearts of others.”

“A person who publishes a book appears willfully in public eye with his pants down.”

“Now may this little Book a blessing beTo those that love this little Book, and me:And may its Buyer have no cause to say,His money is but lost, or thrown away.”