All Quotes By Tag: Author
“I’m not trying to please anyone. I’m just trying to write a damn book.”
“Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out!”
“Inspiration comes from living it.”
“Sometimes writing everyday is like pulling teeth, painful, but necessary.”
“Ending a series is a difficult one …….where should a story that you have followed for so long end? When do you step away from the characters and let the readers decide their fate from there? When they can stand on their own is my only answer for that.”
“But will you not have a house to care for? Meals to cook? Children whining for this or that? Will you have time for the work?” “I’ll make time,” I promised. “The house will not always be so clean, the cooking may be a little hasty, and the whining children will sit on my lap and I’ll sing to them while I work.”
“You can have practically anything you want in this world, if you have great credit.”
“Cowards say it can’t be done, critics say it shouldn’t have been done, creator say well done.”
“Some of my greatest successes in business are simply the result of taking huge, calculated risks.”
“Forget about how old you are, and get busy.”
“Get out of your comfort zone and go for it. I do this when I apply for lead acting parts in feature movies.”
“Stop now and decide to never worry again about what others think about you.”
“Start having more confidence in yourself, and others will do the same.”
“When you are up in life your friends get to know who you are. When you are down in life you get to know who your friends are.#minoradjustments101”
“Have you noticed how prejudice still exists today. For instance, now they challenge famous people for their past achievements: People like Christopher Columbus and now even Vince lombardi. Nothing surprises me. I never grew-up with prejudices against anyone. I don’t care what color you are or where you came from. This sort of stuff to me never made sense. You see I grew up in a “educated family.” Education teaches you not to be so ignorant.”