“Focus on the small things life already has offered you, else you may turn your boundless blessings to countless disappointments.”

“The higher the obstacles, the higher we get to rise”

“Time is what we want most,but what we use worst.”

“Divinely Fabulous Inside & Out!”

“Be The Leader, Author, & Star of Your Own Life Story!”

“For every opportunity lost, people might place their bet on futuristic fortunes perpetuated by certain strategical moves. Once you accept the mistakes rest will be history”

“When you find a truth that surpasses your desire to fit trends and meet approval, you can be certain it’s worth fighting to spread.”

“Our government says people must not take law in their own hands, But has given the law in the hands of people who in power. That is why people who are in power are always corrupt, arrogant, violent, Aggressive, selfish, and don’t care about anyone. They get away with all the bad things they do that Is criminating unlawful and injustice”