All Quotes By Tag: Positive-affirmation
“The Holy Scripture speaks life.”
“Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.”
“Stand for something. Make your life mean something. Start where you are with what you have. You are enough.”
“Self-assurance reassures others and reassures yourself.”
“Focus on how far you have come in liferather than looking at the accomplishments of others.”
“Greatness means setting out to make some difference somewhere to someone in someplace.”
“Do not dwell on your loss. Look forward with bright new hopes.”
“It wasn’t enough but it was a start. It might keep him going…”
“Associate yourself with people who think positively. You cannot surround yourself with negative people and expect positive outcomes.”
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control the way you think about all the events. You always have a choice. You can choose to face them with a positive mental attitude.”
“Distance yourself from negative people who try to lower your motivation and decrease your ambition. Create space for positive people to come into your life. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.”
“When you start living the life of your dreams, there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes and setbacks along the way. But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve.”
“Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.”
“There is nothing so convincing as a thing well done.”
“Patience, more than the ability to bear pains or endure waiting, is to be calm no matter what happens – constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities – and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.”