“Don’t let societies perceptions and opinions define who you are as a person. Where is it written that you cannot be great at more than one thing?”

“Success is not just to be at peace with your achievements. It is also developing the ability to inspire people around you.”

“Time is not meant to be spent; it is meant to be experienced.”

“Dreaming is how you set your future in motion.”

“I choose to trust that inspiration is always nearby, the whole time I’m working, trying its damnedest to impart assistance. […] Sometimes we have trouble understanding each other. But inspiration is still sitting there right beside me, and it is trying.”

“You inspire, you put a smile on someone’s face, you make someone laugh or deeply touch a person’s heart. We all have that in ourselves no matter how tough our journeys are.”

“Vision creates motivation.”

“The greatest mementos are the memories.”

“Your core values are your deciding factors for success.”

“I draw from the well what I like. The well has both mud and water.”

“If I am gonna do all the talking, likely I am amongst dead people.”

“Don’t punch at the darkness, be a light.”

“He who perseveres like an infant that falls down and keeps getting up, shall eventually find the way.”~ Amunhotep El Bey”

“my strength should not threaten you.my strength is not a threat to your strength.you are strong.you are beautiful.you are lush.you are powerful.as you are.as i am.imagine the force we would be togetherif we lifted each other up.imagine the force we would be togetherif we didn’t tear each other down.”