“Serve the Lord with what you have — your substance, strength, knowledge, and ability”

“We need to know who we are and then stand strong”

“Use your knowledge and physical strength. You have the opportunity today, start living for Him”

“It’s hard to know what’s right in this life,’ she said. ‘We do what we can, but what we really need is mercy. Do you know who taught me that?’ A grin. ‘You.”

“The only area of strength for Satan’s rulership is in our area of ignorance.”

“Your voice may not be loud today or be heard today, but make sure you are still standing on your feet.”

“An entire life, lavishly colored with ecstasies and agonies, is exclusively born from the functional expression of neurochemistry. Every time that we sob in sorrow or laugh in joy, we do so, steered by a glorious storm of hormonal interplay within the deepest parts of our mind. And with each drop of tear that we shed in our times of excruciating pain, our brain constructs majestic new cellular connections to aid in the pursuit of our passion – in the pursuit of truth.”

“While in bondage, the strength of the mind is not put into full action in order to maximize its full potential.”

“Stay with your passion but have a philosophy that is beyond your strength so that you can have a legacy, even a legacy that will outlast you.”

“Every high ideal appears utopian to the ordinary masses, until they see it manifesting in front of their own eyes.”

“You always have to remind yourself that it is not what you have been through but what you overcome that will strengthen you. You will have memories that will forever remind you and push you forward so that you can continuously transform your life and mind.”

“Maybe building walls around our hearts will lock the monsters out, but won’t it also keep the kings away? Self sabotage is a dangerous path, our wounds don’t heal by catering to them and labelling them as our past.”

“We are products of their weaknesses or strengths.”