All Quotes By Tag: Strength
“We are products of their weaknesses or strengths.”
“The strong leader takes a chance when there is little hope,The hope that he will succeed and little chance of failure”
“and then there was that time you sucked down your fear, breathed into it, faced it with a courage that moves mountains, and you stepped right into that thing, that situation, that experience moments and forever before had crippled and controlled you, and had you believing you could never rise up to meet it. but you did, because you could. and you will again, because you can. yes, you can.”
“When YOU choose to change, your reality must change accordingly. It simply has no other choice.”
“Success is not a question of how much power or money you have acquired. It is a question of how satisfied you are with WHO YOU ARE.”
“To challenge yourself takes courage, not for the strength it takes to accomplish your goals but for the commitment to stay true to your dreams.”
“Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.”
“A belief is simply a thought that seems true to YOU.”
“It’s not about grades, or saaviness, or sex appeal. It’s all about grit. The strength of your character is the strength of your character determines your success more than anything else.”
“You don’t get strong by standing at the finish line, you get strong with every step you take to get there.”
“Le persone che ho incontrato, quelle con cui sono entrata in contatto… Tutti quanti, anche se hanno paura, anche se soffrono e non trovano una via d’uscita, cercano qualcosa. Un passo alla volta, con determinazione, facendosi coraggio, spronandosi a vicenda e sostenendosi tentano di andare avanti.Solo io non riesco a muovermi di un passo.Per me, il tempo si è fermato.”
“A weakness is a strength on overdrive!”
“Be sure to ask for help, and vent or brag on your progress along the way.”
“Don’t let societies perceptions and opinions define who you are as a person. Where is it written that you cannot be great at more than one thing?”
“We must work while we have strength.”