“The plants endure the hardship of winter yet, still thrive in the Spring. The rose plant finds its ways to bloom despite having to deal with the thorns. You and I are simply reminded, we can overcome any storm we face in life’s journey. All we need do is hold on to our faith and trust God through the process.”

“When you don’t feel loved, you will settle for feeling needed. The source of love is within you. Let it blossom. With every breath, you have everything you need.”

“We become conditioned by repeating patterns that become routine. Those routines become habits and habits eventually may become addictions. The challenge, is to strive hard and change so that you can unlearn and learn while taking risks and making choices that do not allow you to become stuck or become an addict of your own habits.”

“You always have to remind yourself that it is not what you have been through but what you overcome that will strengthen you. You will have memories that will forever remind you and push you forward so that you can continuously transform your life and mind.”

“Find people who are willing to go with you freely. Stop trying to coach people into your life destiny.”

“Health, peace of mind, peak performance, and success in any area of life all depend upon doing the right thing at the right time, in harmony with the cycles of the Four Seasons.”

“These are the people who will encourage you to go after your dreams and will inspire you to succeed. Stick to them like a barnacle to a rock.”