“Health, peace of mind, peak performance, and success in any area of life all depend upon doing the right thing at the right time, in harmony with the cycles of the Four Seasons.”

“Before taking part of any activity, ask yourself if this activity will bring you joy, if it is good and fruitful, and if it will bring you closer to achieving your goal. If the answer is not yes to at least one and preferably all of the questions, refrain from this activity.”

“It is possible to be in the Way of Excellence and still lose. Think about this for a moment. Would you rather experience playing, competing and performing at your all-time best in the Zone and lose, or play awful, get lucky and win? When put in this perspective, the definition of winning and losing is not clear. In other words, it is possible to lose and still perform like a winner, just as it is possible to win and play like a loser.”

“In the Way of Excellence, life and your athletic activity is truly a journey, not a destination. Peace comes from loving every moment and every step of the way. Every day is a new beginning”