“Only knowledge and truth may result in freedom of mind.”

“Don’t be afraid to study hard: knowledge never exhausts the mind.”

“A man’s vanity often goes hand in hand with his lack of knowledge.”

“Superficial knowledge is potentially more dangerous than ignorance. It gives a false sense of security encouraging an ignorant man to persevere in his efforts that can result in huge damage.”

“The holes in my jeans ans the holes in my boots make me whole!”

“The holes in my boots and the holes in my jeans make me whole!”

“Each type of knowledge has value; however, from an engineering point of view, practical knowledge seems to be more valuable than theoretical knowledge.”

“Knowledge can be acquired by education, reading, communicating and observing, but also simply by living.”

“I’ve tried to solve problems to the best of my knowledge. Many times I was successful, but sometimes I also failed. And now I finally understand – that’s life.”

“A wise man is humble, knowing he actually doesn’t know much.”

“In general, people accumulate knowledge gradually over a long period of time. However, there are extraordinary people all around us, who are capable of accumulating impressive amounts of knowledge within a relatively short period of time. Nevertheless, even the greatest genius possesses only a small fraction of all knowledge known by mankind. Finally, the following question arises: how large is all the existing knowledge in comparison to the space of ignorance?”

“In general, sharing and using things decreases their value. However, knowledge increases by implementation and especially by sharing among people.”