“You will surely be rewarded for every seed of good deed and godliness.”

“If you are truly concerned about helping people and creating value for them in your business and life. God will take care of you, and the universe will reward you.”

“Good and Bad are like God and Devil. It’s up to you, who do you want to summon.”

“Remember that we will not be here forever. Good thoughts, good ideas, and good deeds have a chance to live for a very long time.”

“Do you think it is a vain hope that one day man will find joy in noble deeds of light and mercy, rather than in the coarse pleasures he indulges in today — gluttony, fornication, ostentation, boasting, and envious vying with his neighbor? I am certain this is not a vain hope and that the day will come soon.”

“There are two missions we are obligated to carry out during our life journey. The first, is to seek Truth throughout our lifetime. The second, is simply to be good. Engrave it in your mind that life is just one big board game where you have to make it from start to finish by being good. That is all you have to do. The hardest part, is dealing with all the obstacles that prevent smooth sailing. The trick is, to always strive to be the right person in all situations – regardless of personal cost to you. Your aim is to make sure the right book on your shoulder weighs more that the bad book on the left. The scales are real. Regardless of your chosen faith, there is a measurement system to be found in all of the world’s religions. After all, does it make sense for all souls, good or bad, to end up in the same place? Of course not. To really secure the very best setting in the afterlife, the vibrations of your good deeds must surpass your death.”

“Know you not that a good man does nothing for appearance sake, but for the sake of having done right?”

“Every time you do a good deed you shine the light a little farther into the dark. And the thing is, when you’re gone that light is going to keep shining on, pushing the shadows back.”

“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.”