“She was his favorite sin. She was not a habit for him anymore, she was an obsession.”

“One sin seldom mentioned is that of killing time.”

“[T]he American Left, in its horror at the Vietnam War, reinvented sin.”

“The true lover yearneth for tribulation even as doth the rebel for forgiveness and the sinful for mercy.”

“Die Sache mit dem Sündenbock funktionierte wirklich, als noch religiöse Kraft dahinterstand. Man lud dem Ziegenbock die Sünden der Stadt auf und trieb ihn hinaus, und die Stadt war gereinigt. Es funktionierte, weil alle, einschließlich der Götter, wussten, wie das Ritual zu verstehen war. Dann starben die Götter, und plötzlich musste man die Stadt ohne göttliche Hilfe reinigen. Statt Symbolen waren richtige Taten gefragt. Der Zensor war geboren, im römischen Sinn. Wachsamkeit hieß die Parole: Die Wachsamkeit aller allen gegenüber. Reinigung wurde ersetzt durch Säuberungsaktionen.”

“A simple act of deviating from the set moral standard established by the moral lawgiver is an offense, suffice to make us culpable.”

“Nismo li možda tijekom vremena tumačili kršćanstvo suviše isključivo kao religiju osjetljivu za grijeh te u skladu s tim premalo osjetljivu za trpljenje?”

“The wicked fear the good, because the good are a constant reproach to their consciences. The ungodly like religion in the same way that they like lions, either dead or behind bars; they fear religion when it breaks loose and begins to challenge their consciences.”

“Nothing is a sin when you obey the orders of a priest”

“It is the business of a virtuous clergy to censure vice in every appearance of it.”

“Human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to believe in a certain way, and can’t really get rid of it.”

“A wide and vague impression exists that so-called Eastern religion is more contemplative, innocuous, and humane than the proselytizing monotheisms of the West. Don’t believe a word of this: try asking the children of Indochina who were dumped by their parents for inherited deformities that were attributed to sins in a previous ‘life.”

“There are wrongs for which religion makes no provision, and of which it has no comprehension.–“Wanda”

“Only the fear of God, can deliver us from evil.”

“To live only for pleasure is to die while living.”