All Quotes By Tag: Ungodliness
“People who don’t feel insulted by the ungodliness and injustice around them do not do anything about it.”
“A sincere decision to make is to refuse to give up until the society experiences the defeat of every form of injustice and ungodliness.”
“It is the people who are afflicted with ungodliness and injustice that would cry unto the Lord for change.”
“You must refuse to succumb to every ungodliness and injustice.”
“For any display of displeasure or anger against injustice and ungodliness, there is a reward and a godly result.”
“If you are going to speak out against injustice, if you are angry at ungodliness in the society, then you have the opposing force to contend against.”
“Your insult by the ungodliness and injustice in the land is a force.”
“You must build and develop a greater force on the inside of you, in this way, you will be able to speak and stand against ungodliness and injustice in the land.”
“If lawmakers in nations today refused to be bribed and be corrupted by some larger-than-life leaders, the people will be less insulted and molested by ungodliness and injustice.”
“Those who have been insulted by ungodliness and injustice could be in a good or better position to stand for or with those that are being insulted by the same.”
“Whenever you are being insulted by ungodliness and injustice, endeavor to speak against it, endeavor to stand up against it, and expect to see change.”
“Actually, everyone, in one way or the other is being insulted by ungodliness and injustice, be it racial injustice, inequality, economic injustice, and the spread and campaign of ungodliness sweeping the land.”
“There are people that are to champion the campaign and advocacy against the cycle of ungodliness and injustice in every nation.”
“Your voice can be made loud to speak against ungodliness and injustice and not promote it.”
“If you have experienced injustice and insulted by the ungodliness, then you are a candidate to stand against the same.”