All Quotes By Tag: Change
“Develop the mindset that prompts you to continue pressing pass your norms – you’ll begin to discover a whole new you.”
“History, too, has a penchant for giving birth to itself over and over again, and those whom it appoints agents of change and progress do not always accept their destinies willingly.”
“God change us in every circumstance.”
“The horizon changes but the sun does not.”
“With the same habit of mind, even if you live thousands of lives, all will be the same! Get a different habit of mind to get a different life!”
“A competent manager ensures competent performance.”
“Needless documentation hampers performance.”
“Criticizing is easy, performing is difficult.”
“A team succeeds where an individual fails.”
“Some team members act as adhesives to unite the team.”
“The concern of a team member is also the concern of the team.”
“Mutually helping team members achieve both individual and team objectives.”
“A satisfied customer brings more customers.”
“Highlighting strengths increases sales.”
“Good sales copy creates good sales.”