“Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

“If you cannot see yourself fairly or accurately represented in the community where you live… and nothing there makes you feel awake or alive, I suggest you start doing some research on some other communities”

“Congratulations!Today is your dayYou’re off to great placesYou’re off and awayYou’ve got brains in your headYou’ve got feet in your shoesYou can steer yourself anyDirection you chooseYou’re on your ownAnd you know what you knowAnd you are the guyWho’ll decide where you goOut there things can happenAnd frequently doTo people as brainyAnd footsy as youAnd will you succeed?Yes you will indeed!(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)You’re off to great placesToday is your dayYour mountain is waitingGo, get on your way!”

“It is my desire that you consider the advice I am rendering here; that you should no longer sell your life but invest it into fulfilling the purpose for which you were born.”

“It is my desire that you consider the advice I am rendering here; that you should no longer sell your life but invest it into fulfilling the purpose for which you were born. Only then you can become great in your generation.”

“You will never climb Career Mountain and get to the top and shout, ‘I made it!’ You will rarely feel done or complete or even successful. Most people I know struggle with that complicated soup of feeling slighted on one hand and like a total fraud on the other. Our ego is a monster that loves to sit at the head of the table, and I have learned that my ego is just as rude and loud and hungry as everyone else’s. It doesn’t matter how much you get; you are left wanting more. Success is filled with MSG.”

“Time never touched you. It touched me and then I seemed to regret everything. Your hair in my face, eyes in my mind, a darkness I found in you. But you don’t regret. You hold within. You feel in memory because love lost is still a love once had. You remember passion, conversations over dinner, moments interwoven before each other. We die to live, not die to cry over memories which don’t last our expected timeframe.”

“A person that does not value your time will not value your advice.”

“Women have been trained in our culture and society to ask for what we want instead of taking what we want. We’ve been really indoctrinated with this culture of permission. But that time has passed.”

“What do you care if people talk? Those who talk cannot harm you. Why should you be worried? You should only think about those things that please you. You have only one life in this world: soon you’ll reach your eternal rest.”

“Man be merciful, for your Maker is merciful.”

“To live only for pleasure is to die while living.”

“I’m the girl that goes backwards, takes wrong turns, stumbles in the dark. I’m also the girl that finds gold where others feared to stray. Perhaps because I follow my heart instead of sage advice thrown my way. I don’t want to become numb by always playing it safe. Many of our most cherished times happen when we shatter the damn box, step off the safety zone and listen to the sound of our soul.”

“Neither forget the past nor its pain.”