“The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.”

“Time well spent is an investment of the present for a practical and abundant future.”

“Retrograde time is forward time which has passed the turning point; then as it turns back it is freighted with the load of accumulated knowledge. It is information rich. Logically, then, in its retrograde tracking, it would divest itself of its knowledge: teach rather than learn, so that when it arrived at the other end, it would be information poor, even info empty.”

“The future when it comes, is just like the present. The present is all you have and the opportunity of the present is worth more than the success of the past or the promise of the future.”

“Without Time nothing is possible. Everything requires Time. Time is the only permanent and absolute ruler in the universe. But she is a scrupulously fair ruler. She treats every living person exactly alike every day. No matter how much of the world’s goods you have managed to accumulate, you cannot successfully plead for a single moment more than the pauper receives without every asking for it. Time is the one great leveler. Everyone has the same amount to spend every day.”

“Don’t argue with a fool, future will teach him some lessons”

“The more risk you can take upfront in life, the better off you will be later.”

“Every step we take toward the top is possible because of all the little steps we took in the past.”

“The future, when it comes, is just like the present. The present is all you have and the opportunity of the present is worth more than the success of the past or the promise of the future.”

“You don’t build a reputation by saying you are going to do something. If you want to be a successful person, you have to actually work. There is nothing wrong with speaking about future plans if you actually take action to make them work. Be proud of your success thus far and be hopeful for your success in the future.”

“The concept of time can be viewed as a continuum extending from the past to the present and to the future in which events happen in an irreversible progression”

“You have all the power you need to build the future that you wish.”

“Do not beat yourself up for what you did or did not do. That will only bruise you and break you and make you less able to live the life you want. You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”

“A friend once taught me that we’d all live differently if we could live our lives over, but all we can actually do is try to make amends in the future for the past. That means live the best we can right here, right now.”

“Our future depends on what we do with our time”