“I did not know what the future would bring, but I knew that life is not merely about knowledge. It is about the courage and trust that we place in our stories.”

“In moments of great change we suffer, somehow hoping deep down that our emotions and our dramas can change the future or prevent it from happening. Future happens regardless.”

“If you look closely, you can see that you are not defined by the world. You are the world. You are the future.”

“My life does not bore me, because I know its worth. So when I let you be part of it, ensure you add value and not attempt to devalue it; or else you can never be part of my future.”

“The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious.”

“I’m looking towards my future and enjoying every race, no need to look behind me because my past has been erased”

“Introspective souls are often tormented by their passionate visions. This is because visionaries see what shall be and wake up to what is. However, if you couldn’t see a glimpse of the city lights while stranded in the forest, how would you ever know to walk in that direction? Sometimes, your vision can’t be put into action, until you gather the learning experiences, along your journey first.”

“Every relationship that has hit a crossroads has asked, “What is it that you want from me?”

“ما نفتر نقسم يومنا إلى نصفين ، نصف نقضيه في الندم على مافات ، والنصف الآخر في القلق مما سيأتي ! ، ويضيع العمر بين مشكلات الماضي وتطلعات المستقبل ، وتنسل أحلامنا من بين أصابعنا !”

“The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.”

“Time well spent is an investment of the present for a practical and abundant future.”

“Retrograde time is forward time which has passed the turning point; then as it turns back it is freighted with the load of accumulated knowledge. It is information rich. Logically, then, in its retrograde tracking, it would divest itself of its knowledge: teach rather than learn, so that when it arrived at the other end, it would be information poor, even info empty.”

“Without Time nothing is possible. Everything requires Time. Time is the only permanent and absolute ruler in the universe. But she is a scrupulously fair ruler. She treats every living person exactly alike every day. No matter how much of the world’s goods you have managed to accumulate, you cannot successfully plead for a single moment more than the pauper receives without every asking for it. Time is the one great leveler. Everyone has the same amount to spend every day.”

“The future when it comes, is just like the present. The present is all you have and the opportunity of the present is worth more than the success of the past or the promise of the future.”

“Don’t argue with a fool, future will teach him some lessons”