“I have no regrets. Every experience is the wrong-path is chance to turn to right route for the ultimate travel to the destined-land.”

“It’s so touching to see so much regret in the eyes of people when they say. ‘I have no regrets in life”

“Every day something inside us dies because we do not have the courage to follow our dreams”

“Make time while you can take time cause time will soon take all you make.”

“I used to belong to a family unit, with a foster mom and dad and my little sister, Bean, but that’s over and I don’t want to talk about what happened , or how unfair it was. Not yet. The less said about that the better, because if there’s one thing I learned from Ryter it’s that you can’t always be looking backward or something will hit you from the front.”

“You aren’t old enough to have such regrets.”“Pain doesn’t respect age, my lady.”

“The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.”

“If you don’t monitor your life, you will regret it. If you don’t measure your life you will regret it. If you don’t convert your time into products you will regret it. If you don’t multiply your life you will soon find out that your life is almost finished with nothing to show for it.”

“If you don’t want to regret your life later, then begin to invest your time, begin to measure your life. Measure your life by the products and by the results you produce!”

“L’HorlogeHorloge! dieu sinistre, effrayant, impassible,Dont le doigt nous menace et nous dit: “Souviens-toi!Les vibrantes Douleurs dans ton coeur plein d’effroiSe planteront bientôt comme dans une cible;Le plaisir vaporeux fuira vers l’horizonAinsi qu’une sylphide au fond de la coulisse ;Chaque instant te dévore un morceau du déliceA chaque homme accordé pour toute sa saison.Trois mille six cents fois par heure, la SecondeChuchote: Souviens-toi! – Rapide, avec sa voixD’insecte, Maintenant dit: Je suis Autrefois,Et j’ai pompé ta vie avec ma trompe immonde!Remember! Souviens-toi, prodigue! Esto memor!(Mon gosier de métal parle toutes les langues.)Les minutes, mortel folâtre, sont des ganguesQu’il ne faut pas lâcher sans en extraire l’or!Souviens-toi que le Temps est un joueur avideQui gagne sans tricher, à tout coup! c’est la loi.Le jour décroît; la nuit augmente; souviens-toi!Le gouffre a toujours soif; la clepsydre se vide. Tantôt sonnera l’heure où le divin Hasard,Où l’auguste Vertu, ton épouse encor vierge,Où le repentir même (oh! la dernière auberge!),Où tout te dira: Meurs, vieux lâche! il est trop tard!”

“I am now 33 years old, and it feels like much time has passed and is passing faster and faster every day. Day to day I have to make all sorts of choices about what is good and important and fun, and then I have to live with the forfeiture of all the other options those choices foreclose. And I’m starting to see how as time gains momentum my choices will narrow and their foreclosures multiply exponentially until I arrive at some point on some branch of all life’s sumptuous branching complexity at which I am finally locked in and stuck on one path and time speeds me through stages of stasis and atrophy and decay until I go down for the third time, all struggle for naught, drowned by time. It is dreadful. But since it’s my own choices that’ll lock me in, it seems unavoidable–if I want to be any kind of grownup, I have to make choices and regret foreclosures and try to live with them.”

“Original sin and conscious awareness of human fallibility is the perpetual agent of transformation in human affairs. Humankind’s behavior is pathological; it is an admixture of instinct and reason, kindness and cruelty, immorality and seeking redemption.”

“Technically, all tattoos are temporary, even permanent ones.”

“It’s important to remember that regret is a difficult teacher, but class is optional.”

“Some of us live in the future,Connected to hurts from our past,If tomorrow is colored by bitter regret,Then today has been painted blackSome of us live in the presentConnected to gifts from our past,If tomorrow is colored by purposeful thought,the today’s masterpiece has been cast.”